Thursday, October 10, 2024

Trenjung: A Journal of Interconnections

I don't have as much to say about this collection of poetry as perhaps I should. It makes me uncomfortable, as I do not always ( as a person) come off in a good light, or even in any light at all! But I suppose that gives it some honesty. I can say that I occasionally opened it at random and enjoyed reading some of them (not all of them) out loud. The fact that there was an audience of one, or other an audience of none made it even more enjoyable! Isn't it strange the way life haunts us with something more than life, and yet it is full in the face, nitty gritty life, where the spirit seems most fully to come alive!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

རྟིན་འབྱུང Trenjung: A Journal of Interconnections

A Chance meeting at my son's soccer game lead me to introduce the music of an old friend to a local radio station. Click the link to hear the interview introduction to the wonderful "Lost Treasure" music of Tokyo Hasegawa.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

རྟིན་འབྱུང Trenjung: A Journal of Interconnections

        With this bit of rain, perhaps the Kale of the Fall Garden will begin to show itself. Tangental to that, I had noticed that when I gave people copies of my other slim volumes of verse ("Pieces of the Moon" and "Freeversengineering") that I was apologetic, and kept persisting in explaining that the poetry in them was 20 to 30 years old. So I put together a collection of more recent scribblings "The Practice of Saying Goodbye" and now am casting about for other ways than the chronological to be apologetic. With the climate collapse coming upon us fast, one might wonder why I still bothered to try and find the meaningfully sonorific in verbal form, but I guess there is much climate grief expressed therein, and even glimpses of, if not transcendence, than at least a fierceness that still raises its fist high and says, "Life!" 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Trenjung: A Journal of Interconnections

Sadly, because everything is interconnected, including in climate science, it would appear that tipping points may in fact act as dominos so that when one goes, more than one goes with it, meaning the little time we thought we had, might in fact turn out to be less time even than that. As Greta Thunberg said, 'we must act as if our house is on fire, because it is...'


Two Roads Diverging in Burning Woods: The Climate Justice Revolution vs The Vulture Capitalists

D. H. Garrett, The Asia Institute, Dreamindustrees

“Capitalist production collects the population together in great centers, and causes the urban population to achieve an ever-growing preponderance. This has two results. On the one hand it concentrates the historical motive force of society; on the other hand, it disturbs the metabolic interaction between man and the earth, i.e., it prevents the return to the soil of its constituent elements consumed by man in the form of food and clothing; hence it hinders the operation of the  eternal natural condition for the lasting fertility of the soil….All progress in capitalist agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the worker, but of robbing the soil.” Karl Marx 

(Image: Horst Haitzinger)

Introduction and Statement of the Problem

  We are consumed by wildfire. We are consumed by the wildfire of an economic system that depends on the uncontrolled consumption mostly of unnecessary things bought to satisfy fostered illusions, so as to enrich a very small percentage of humanity at the expense of the planet. It is a wildfire that depends on the consumption also of the life-support systems of the planet. It is a wildfire, moreover, that is about to over-run us and bring about a great collapse. Though I called this wildfire an “economic system”, it is not in fact a reality-based economic system, it is an economic system that is the greedy fantasy of the greedy, for it doesn’t even try and account for real costs, the costs to communities, to the environment, to the planet’s life support system. These are all “negative externalities” and no one pays for them except the poor, and future generations. No one pays for them until now that is, for now the damage from this carnival of covetousness is here to burn and drown and starve us us all, in the form of abrupt climate change. 
You may say that this is a simple story that nature has told many times, that it naturally emerges from the very nature of evolutionary competition: in other words an aggressive successful species dominates and eventually overwhelms its sustaining environment so that with resource depletion, population collapse occurs. The species may recover, it may not. Our present situation has some other dangerous factors in addition to resource depletion, most pressing being climate change, followed by the lethal damage we may end up inflicting upon ourselves due to some combination of nuclear and/or biological warfare, or some other form of mass-produced stupidity.
  But let us focus on climate change which in its incipient stages is already causing massive damage and considerable regime destabilization which needless to say, then heightens the possibility of those other horses of the Apocalypse chomping their way through what is left of humanity. 
  First, the level of danger posed by climate change cannot be overstated. Storms of intensity and type that have basically never been experienced by humanity in its time on the planet; storms of such violence that our infrastructure is inadequate to weather them; droughts and mega-droughts of such length and severity that our food systems collapse; killer heat waves of such length and intensity that people will try and survive indoors, but then may be forced into mass migrations as the high heat of the killer heat waves becomes the new normal average temperature; sea level rise of the multi-meter to hundred of feet level forcing the billions of humans living in the towns and cities and megacities on the oceans edges to relocate; ocean acidification proceeding to the point that the oceans approach Canfield ocean levels, ie., devoid of most of the life forms we know and in many ways depend on. 

“We have dawdled for so long ignoring the warnings of top scientists that our current and near-term fossil-based energy infrastructure will, by itself, generate enough carbon pollution to take us to dangerous levels of warming. So if we are up to avert disaster, we not only need to keep speeding up the use of new clean energy, we also have to speed up the shut down of old dirty energy sources…. Here’s one way to frame the urgency: If the world does not make substantial and sustained progress in cutting total global warming emissions by 2030, then the window will be effectively closed for averting the catastrophic warming of 2°C or higher. Having lost the war to avoid catastrophic impacts, we will instead be fighting a war to save civilization itself.” -Joe Romm

1. On Your Marx, Get Set, Stop…

  Sadly, goodness and a desire to survive do not seem to be sufficient motivating factors for solving the climate crisis. We have moreover run out of time. We are quite clearly and definitely going over the cliff to a different earth phase -a hot house state- and accompanying that plummet is the 6th great extinction, to which we, or at least a large number of us, will be both an instigator of and a party to. So given the intransigence of certain state and corporate (and indeed personal) actors, we need to look for models of bottom-up governance accelerant which will make it possible to at least give us a chance to teeter-totter at the edge of catastrophe, and perhaps, claw our way back if in fact we do topple over. Or, as is becoming increasingly likely, ensures that as many as possible survive the plunge through innovative, quickly put in place, adaptation measures. This is because -make no mistake about- as the “shit” of climate chaos increasingly hits the “fan” the tendency -already apparent- is for the rich to save the rich, and the rest be damned.
  Let us reflect for a moment on how fast things can spread and change when they truly infect the body populace. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began as an informal study group that met in Shanghai starting in 1921. The first Party Congress was held in Shanghai in July 1921. Some 57 members, including Mao Zedong, attended the meeting. By 1949 they had won the civil war and announced the start of the People’s Republic. In other words, in 28 years they went from having about 57 members, to running the most populous country on Earth. This is on the scale and speed of what we must accomplish if we are to have a chance of avoiding total climate catastrophe. We need a bottom-up Green Revolution that over the course of 10 years or so if not less, moves us from our current greenhouse gas emission trajectory to one not just of zero emissions but of negative emissions. This is the physical reality of what the earth system requires for us to maintain a supportive biosphere for humanity.  

“Softer aims might be politically realistic, but they are physically unrealistic. Only shifts commensurate with the scale of our existential crisis have any prospect of averting them. Hopeless realism, tinkering at the edges of the problem, got us into this mess. It will not get us out.” George Monbiot

2. Time is of the Essence and We are Out of Essence

     Did I say ten years for radical decarbonization? A more careful incorporation of real earth system risks would say (would raise its hand politely and then shriek) five years. Why? Although the dangers of the climate change tipping points are fairly well understood, modeling of their reaction has been inadequate in terms of understanding that they are inter-connected, that when one one goes, we should not be surprised that more, or even all go in a devastating display  of cascading dominos on a global level. We know that this is the way that the earth system has reacted in paleoclimatic abrupt climate changer events. There are other reasons to think we have about half the carbon budget that we think we have. These include “global dimming” and probable under-calculation of the effects of overshoot. None of this matters of course as emissions went up last year and are expected to go up again this year, all of this precisely at the best time for radically reducing emissions. So of course the choice we have made, or rather the choice our leaders and captains of industry have made, is to try and eke out a few more years of “growth” even though it is suicidal.

“Observations of past warming periods suggest that a number of amplifying mechanisms, which are poorly represented in climate models, increase long-term warming beyond climate model projections. This suggests the carbon budget to avoid 2°C of global warming may be far smaller than estimated, leaving very little margin for error to meet the Paris targets.” Prof Hubertus Fischer of the University of Bern, from “Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond.”

3. Let Them Eat Pixels

     The irony in all of this, is that there is a very simple non-technological solution to the problem. Geoengineering is not required. The mass production of Negative Emission Technologies is not required. All we have to do is recognize that we are now in a war for our own survival, and recognizing that we declare a Global Climate Emergency. Ideally we get the Security Council to declare it -oh wait, Russia wants to continue enriching its oligarchs with oil and gas and be able down the road to sunbathe on the Arctic Ocean-, and 30 million or so Americans want to deny the reality of science so as to usher in “Armageddon” and be taken up in the “Second Coming.” So OK, forget the Security Council, but there is still a simple solution. Immediate carbon rationing commensurate in scale to buy us enough time to make a transition to a sustainable way of living on the planet. Yes of course, people in the wealthy carbon polluting countries would have to ride their bicycle more and give up meat on a daily basis, and there would be a temporary dip in economic growth until the green technologies take their place. But hey, we would live! The developing world would hardly feel a thing since their per-capita carbon output is so low.

     We should also locally, nationally, and internationally target the real culprits: the 100 or so companies responsible for 71% of all carbon emissions, and the 26 or so billionaires who control half the world’s wealth. There is more than enough money tin those two sources to fund a fast, decent, fair transition to a sustainable and equitable global system of energy, food, water, health, shelter, and education provisioning. See! That was easy! But ah you say, the powers that be will not give up their ill-gotten dirty gains so easily. Well yes, that is why a revolution is coming. Now it could be that long, sustained, mass non-violent protests, will be enough to force leadership to do what needs to be done. We are already seeing many of these civil disturbances taking place, particularly in Europe, but elsewhere as well. On the other hand, as the situation gets worse -climate-wise, survivability-wise- the gloves will come off and we can anticipate mass upheaval with the concomitant discord misery and death that accompanies it. Vast armies of climate-change driven refugees will try to tear down internally and externally the players that destroyed their homes. We will not be able to blame them. They literally will have nothing else left to lose. 

   You laugh of course at the idea of carbon rationing, and you laugh at the idea that wealthy companies and individuals (and countries) will share their wealth so as to avoid calamity. But enough people in the streets, soon enough, and long enough, have a way of making the people watching them from their penthouse suites, nervous. Let us hope the wildfire of non-violent climate action protest spreads quickly enough so that we still have time to act. 

"Our world is richer than ever before, but virtually all of it is being captured by a small elite. Only five percent of all new income from global growth trickles down to the poorest 60 percent—and yet they are the people who produce most of the food and goods that the world consumes, toiling away in those factories, plantations and mines to which they were condemned 200 years ago. It is madness—and no amount of mansplaining from billionaires will be adequate to justify it.” Jason Hickels

4. The Long and the Very Short of It: Enlisting Both the Vultures of Capitalism and Our Better Angels

     So what is going to happen is this: we are most probably not going to get our shit together in time to avoid going over the abrupt climate change cliff. We just don’t seem to be able to respond to a danger moving at this speed (instantaneously in terms of geological time, but hypnotically too slow to trigger our flight or fight response). The money makers who control the world want to go on making money as long as possible. And the lumpen masses are too beguiled by the gaudy but fake jewels the rich dangle in front of them for them to stop shopping and go out into the streets and save the world. But we will react. We will react when things get so bad that we finally get it. Then we will throw everything we have at it. Negative Emission Gadgets will be mass produced like Sherman tanks from a GM factory. 
     We will do our best through geoengineering or mega-engineering to refreeze the arctic and antarctic. This will be the best way to stabilize weather extremes and prevent the inconvenience of relocating billions from our coastal cities. It will also be the cheapest alternative. A carbon price will finally be put in place. Radical reforestation and afforestation coupled with a radical re-thinking of our industrial farming practices will be attempted as a way of restoring traditional carbon sinks. Water from air technologies will become widespread both as a way of maintaining the new forests, and making it through droughts and mega-droughts. All of us, in way, will become refugees on a new planet, until we patiently and over the course of decades and centuries, repair the damage we have done and bring back as much as Earth’s verdant, impossibly beautiful and varied life, as we can. 

“The year 2020 is crucially important for another reason, one that has more to do with physics than politics. When it comes to climate, timing is everything. According to an April report (prepared by Carbon Tracker in London, the Climate Action Tracker consortium, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut), should emissions continue to rise beyond 2020, or even remain level, the temperature goals set in Paris become almost unattainable. The UN Sustainable Development Goals that were agreed in 2015 would also be at grave risk.”

“…the extent, severity, pace and closing window of opportunity to avoid potentially catastrophic outcomes has led many scientists to conclude we have entered a new era of rapid environmental change. We define this as the ‘age of environmental breakdown’ to better highlight the severity of the scale, pace and implication.” Juan Cole introducing the IPPR Report “This is a Crisis, Facing Up to the Age of Environmental Breakdown”

“I am deeply pessimistic. I really see no path to success on climate change. … To mobilize people, this has to become an emotional issue. It has to have immediacy and salience. A distant abstract and disputed threat doesn’t have the necessary characteristics for seriously mobilizing public opinion.” George Marshall

5. Some Hopefully Not Final Tossed-Off Ideas for Cannibalizing What is Left Into Something Beautiful

Just as the horrors of World War II gave birth to a few ideas -like the United Nations- seeming to indicate that humanity might yet have some redeeming value, so the Times of Climate Chaos can be expected to usher in much that will be new, and some that will be valuable. In no particular order or in any semblance of levels of practicality or lack thereof, here are a few:

World People’s Bank: flipping the fact that 26 billionaires own as much as half of all humanity, we empower half of humanity with their own people-owned savings and loan. Combining their assets lifts them to powerhouse status and allows them to chart their own destiny (instead of being indebted for generations to the IMF and various lender countries…).

International Environmental Court: Because so much of climate justice involves recognizing that much of the earth system functions as a commons, the International Environmental Court will address those issues which national legal systems do not.

Global Green Alliance: Just in case there are some recalcitrant countries in terms of a rapid transition to an ecocivilizational approach to living on the planet, the Global Green Alliance will offer favorable deals to its members and not such favorable deals to the despoilers of the planet. Gradually everyone will belong! 

Blockchain Based Climate Participation/Climate Justice Mechanisms: This requires a more in depth explanation than I can give here, but suffice it to say, coupled with the Internet of Things, true ownership of the means of production can be shared more equitably than at present (in which it isn’t equitably shared at all).

Water from Air Generators will be the water supply equivalent of cell phones in obviating the need for traditional types of water infrastructure. This will free the rivers, among other things, to be rivers again.

Vertical Farming: remove the parasitical exploitation of Earth’s natural ecosystems that the current forms of human agriculture are. We will be able to make more with less, at less toil.

Recognition for the Sovereignty of the Refugee: New Refugee Eco-Civilizational Cities: With some 67 million refugees now, and climate change refugee projection figures in the 100’s of million to the several billions, it is time to recognize the sovereignty of the worlds refugees. Let’s give them a real home. Beautiful visionary eco-civilizational cities on for example the North American Great Plains would do wonders for the economy.

Smart Skins: instead of heating buildings, homes and our local environment, etc., mass production of smart -temperature adjusting skins- will save a lot of energy and give us the freedom of animals again, I mean for those who want the freedom of animals.

Geneto-architecture: let’s design our homes and structures at the genetic level and just plant them and water them and let them grow. Soil, water, and light are enough to make a good pumpkin, why not an adequate single family home?

That’s all for now!

“The stunning price drops in wind and solar power have continued. No longer are U.S. solar and wind plants merely cheaper than coal plants — they are also more affordable than new natural gas plants. And this is without subsidies or a price on carbon. Indeed, according to the financial firm Lazard Ltd, in many areas, building and running new renewables is now cheaper than just running old coal and nuclear plants.” Joe Romm, Think Progress

Question: “Will we be the first species we know that precipitated its own extinction as well as the extinction of however much of the biosphere we take with us – and watched it happen before our eyes and continued to do exactly what we know was causing it?” -Anonymous-

Answer: No!

  1. Radical Transformation: Oligarchy, Collapse, and the Crisis of Civilization” Kevin MacKay, Kindle 2018.
  2. Hubertus Fischer, Katrin J. Meissner, Alan C. Mix, Nerilie J. Abram, Jacqueline Austermann, Victor Brovkin, Emilie Capron, Daniele Colombaroli, Anne-Laure Daniau, Kelsey A. Dyez, Thomas Felis, Sarah A. Finkelstein, Samuel L. Jaccard, Erin L. McClymont, Alessio Rovere, Johannes Sutter, Eric W. Wolff, Stéphane Affolter, Pepijn Bakker, Juan Antonio Ballesteros-Cánovas, Carlo Barbante, Thibaut Caley, Anders E. Carlson, Olga Churakova, Giuseppe Cortese, Brian F. Cumming, Basil A. S. Davis, Anne de Vernal, Julien Emile-Geay, Sherilyn C. Fritz, Paul Gierz, Julia Gottschalk, Max D. Holloway, Fortunat Joos, Michal Kucera, Marie-France Loutre, Daniel J. Lunt, Katarzyna Marcisz, Jennifer R. Marlon, Philippe Martinez, Valerie Masson-Delmotte, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, Christoph C. Raible, Bjørg Risebrobakken, María F. Sánchez Goñi, Jennifer Saleem Arrigo, Michael Sarnthein, Jesper Sjolte, Thomas F. Stocker, Patricio A. Velasquez Alvárez, Willy Tinner, Paul J. Valdes, Hendrik Vogel, Heinz Wanner, Qing Yan, Zicheng Yu, Martin Ziegler, Liping Zhou. 
  3. Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature Geoscience, 2018; 11 (7): 474 DOI: 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0
  4. Don’t Even Think About It, Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change” George Marshal, Bloomsbury USA (August 18, 2015)
  5. “Levelized Cost of Energy and Leveled Cost of Storage 2018, Lazard,
  6. Cascading regime shifts within and across scales” Juan C. Rocha1,2,*, Garry Peterson1, Örjan Bodin1, Simon Levin 1,2,3,4 Science  21 Dec 2018: Vol. 362, Issue 6421, pp. 1379-1383 DOI: 10.1126/science.aat7850
6) “Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene” Will Steffen, Johan Rockström, Katherine Richardson, Timothy M. Lenton, Carl Folke, Diana Liverman, Colin P. Summerhayes, Anthony D. Barnosky, Sarah E. Cornell, Michel Crucifix, Jonathan F. Donges, Ingo Fetzer, Steven J. Lade, Marten Scheffer, Ricarda Winkelmann, and Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
PNAS August 14, 2018 115 (33) 8252-8259; published ahead of print August 6, 2018
7) “Less than 2 °C warming by 2100 unlikely Adrian E. Raftery, Alec Zimmer, Dargan M. W. Frierson, Richard Startz & Peiran Liu Nature Climate Change volume 7, pages 637–641 (2017)
8) “Well below 2 °C: Mitigation strategies for avoiding dangerous to catastrophic climate changes” Yangyang Xu and Veerabhadran Ramanathan PNAS published ahead of print September 14, 2017
9) “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy” Occasional Papers IFLAS Occasional Paper 2 July 27th 2018
10) “A Radical Approach to the Climate Crisis” Christian Parenti, Dissent 2013
11) “Warming assessment of the bottom-up Paris Agreement emissions pledges” Yann Robiou du Pont & Malte Meinshausen,  Nature Communications, volume 9, Article number: 4810 (2018)
12) “What Lies Beneath: The scientific understatement of climate risks”, Research Gate, September 2017, David Spratt, Ian Dunlop
13) “Scientists Say Ocasio-Cortez’s Dire Climate Warning is Spot On” Joe Romm, Think Progress, Jan 31, 2019
14) “Heterogeneous retreat and ice melt of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica” P. Milillo1,*, E. Rignot1,2, P. Rizzoli3,, B. Scheuchl2,, J. Mouginot2,4,, J. Bueso-Bello3, and P. Prats-Iraola3,Science Advances  30 Jan 2019: Vol. 5, no. 1, eaau3433 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau3433
15) “Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 207, 1 March 2019, Pages 13-36
16) “How China’s Big Overseas Initiative Threatens Global Climate Progress” Isabel Hilton January 3, 2019 Yale Environment 360
17) “The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment” Editors: Philippus Wester, Arabinda Mishra, Aditi Mukherji, Arun Bhakta Shrestha, Springer Link, Open Access Book, 2019
18) “Three years to safeguard our climate” Christiana Figueres, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Gail Whiteman, Johan Rockström, Anthony Hobley, & Stefan Rahmstorf, Nature, 28 June 2017

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Trenjung: A Journal of Interconnections

(This is a draft of a short story I am working on for a book of short stories I am writing called, "The Book of Books I Will Never Write."  I am sharing it now in this indistinct form because of what is happening now in our world...)


by D. H. Garrett

It had been built in the perfect place to solve a desperate need. And as large as it was -room for 30 million and more- it still rose above the horizon most gracefully. It had the revealing blessedness of a Mont Saint Michelle, but on a vastly grander scale, it had the magic of the Emerald City, but without the fakery of a little manipulative man behind a curtain. But the real miracle of the place, beside the compassion of its being, was it lightness. In terms of its weight upon the earth, it weighed nothing, its ecological footprint was zero.  And all around it, on the seeming endlessness of the Northern Great Plains, buffalo were again roaming, and the prairie grass was as tall as prairie grass had ever been.
It had all started with a dream, a vision. An old Lakota Sioux wiseman had seen it in his inner sight, and told a few. And there it would have stopped except for the fact that one of the few was his nephew and his nephew was the senior Senator from South Dakota. And old Senator Blackhorse had thought about it, recognized it for what it might be, and got to work talking with the right people to make it happen. 

It had been a rare moment of clear-sighted purpose for the nation as a whole. Abrupt climate change was ravaging the planet with floods and droughts and famine. The number of refugees had grown into the hundreds of millions, and no one wanted them, even though none of this was their fault. And they weren’t content of course to die in place. And so their movements reared up on a vast scale, swirling across borders, battering down walls, braving bullets, tearing down governments from within and without. And all they wanted, was what everyone wanted, a home, and chance to work and dream and raise their children in peace.

That is how the idea of Refugia was born. Out of pain and chaos and an old Indian’s idea of how it might end. The Senator called together the most innovative architects and city planners and engineers and ecologists and biologists and artists and dreamers and computer scientists and anthropologists and psychologists and they designed into existence a city that practically grew itself, that created its own energy and water and food; a city with room for 10’s of millions to lead good, healthy, well-educated and inspired lives of meaning and purpose and comradeship. A city so green and sustainable, that the airs and waters around it visibly healed from its presence.  

And they filled the city with those most in need: Palestinians and Afghans, Central Americans and Africans, people of every color and belief from all over everywhere, for climate change had left nowhere safe.  The skeptics felt it wouldn’t work, that fights would break out, that the city would soon burn to the ground from all of the sectarian fighting, (much as the world seemed to be doing). But a miracle had happened, and they all got along most splendidly (well of course there were squabbles, but little squabbles) for the Refugians, as they came to call themselves, found they had so much more in common, than what could ever keep them apart. And with their needs met, and their dreams fed in their beautiful new home, it was as if heaven had taken root in this one place on earth, in this one great living, organic city that was of the earth and with the earth, and nourished the earth, equally to what it got in nourishment from the earth, which wasn’t much -self sufficient as it was- except of course for  the place that had been provided for it.

And it all looked like it would work, with more Refugia’s planned, now that it was clear to all that the poisons had to be cleared from the air and the waters and the land, and that the earth could be largely re-wilded with humanity no longer needing to be a virulent parasite wanting to devour it all for itself, but rather that human technologies could meld seamlessly with the natural rhythms of the world and mankind could rest within them, prosperous but not destructively greedy, nourished and growing, but not at the expense of the planet itself.  Refugia betokened a Golden Age far beyond the dreams of even of the greatest dreamers. 

But then there were the others. They were well-armed, and hateful. They were Nativists and Racists, believers in strange interpretations of strange religions which somehow gave them the right to do whatever they wanted in the name of their God. And Refugia was their scourge, their anathema. Refugia, economic success that it was, put a lie to their smug sense of supremacy; Refugia’s visionary light of humanity’s possibilities for peace and greatness when all lived together accepting and equal, was exactly what drove them mad. They couldn’t stomach the idea that this compassionate trans-national cosmopolitanism not just worked, but that it excelled, and was felt by many to be unutterably beautiful. And so the hater’s plotted and schemed to tear it down, from within and without. They sowed lies and they sabotaged, and the more Refugia caught them in their subterfuges, the more incensed they grew.

The Refugians sought council among themselves to try and find ways of dealing with, defusing, defending against all of the hate. They offered their enemies Refugias of their own, offered to show them how it was done, said they could live their own lives with their own kind (whatever that was) at peace. But their overtures were rejected. “We don’t need your help,” they were told, “We were the ones who invented all of this while you lazy people were picking through your garbage dumps.”

Now this is where I should tell you how ended. But I cannot. I do not know for sure. I did not survive to the end of the troubles that, because of climate change and hate and inequality, came to devour the United States and much of the world. I know that as I lay dying, in a state of strange calm, various possibilities ran through my brain. Perhaps the Refugians found a hard way to defend themselves, though few defenses are impregnable, and powerful weapons tend to migrate to both sides of a conflict. Perhaps the most persuasively eloquent of the Refugians were able to calmly convince enough of those gathered against them to treat them as human and negotiate some common sense, if not amicable, solution. But those amongst the haters still open to talk I suspect were few. I smiled at the thought that Refugian scientists had developed a love bomb, an invisible gas that if released amongst the torch-bearing, rifle-bearing vigilantes, would trigger waves of love and remorse and forgiveness within them. But of course one never knows if such a chemical recourse would last.

And so I passed away before I know the end to this little story. In leaving my body, I had a brief sojourn in a Native American place, where I saw the old Lakota Sioux wiseman who had the original vision. I asked him if Refugia would survive. He smiled and gestured to the brilliant thick field of stars above and said, Refugia is always here.”