Sunday, October 30, 2016

Trenjung: A Journal of Interconnections

This is a song called "Remember (Always)."   One might imagine another song called "Forget (Always)." Questions about time, and memory, and the persistence or lack thereof of memory are always interesting ones. Nostalgia can weigh one down in its beautiful amber casings, so that the new no longer makes it through the outer shell and into the inner soul.  And yet, what would be the point of anything existing if by its nature it is to be forgotten and as such, in a way, never to have existed at all?  What was, was; what is, is; what will be, will be, and yet all of those are but bloomings of something much more centrally placed, a non-place, a non-time from which these well-fleshed dreams emerge.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

རྟིན་འབྱུང Trenjung: A Journal of Interconnections
I probably should have had more wisdom not to go ahead and share some of the rage and loneliness and yes, beauty I saw and felt as a much younger human being, but I have found delightedly, that as I have gotten much older -the liberation of truth approached if not apprehended- (and the loss of false shame) more than makes up for my slower times in the 100 yard dash. I commend this slim volume of poetry to whomsoever wants a good laugh at the occasional purple line interspersed though with a bit of lusty-spiritual good humor!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Trenjung: A Journal of Interconnections


he loved words.
not in the sense in which
love is so easily professed these days
but in an old-fashioned
genuinely romantic sort of way
but with a material component
the word made flesh
so to speak
and flesh become word
in a way

it was not in the least
an abstract obsession
with some ideal Logos
no, the articles themselves
where his articles of faith
while the verbs in all of their doings
screwed up his soundest vows
of silence
and inaction
to use an expression

it was the real utterances
misspoken and squeaking
that he was enamored of
it was their
ineffably mysterious grunts
seeming to make sense
when in fact
they were the merest puffs
of clunk and whimsy
(oh, that meaning could so be written
in the air!)

and so he despaired
when he could not find
the right one
inanity though it be
but loving them as he did
he did sometimes seem
to put them at their ease
and they would come
speaking for themselves
telling their own stories

and it was in this act
(no act at all
but genuine interest and concern)
that they at last perhaps
relaxed into his embrace
and there, mumbling
all the way
he would caress them
one by one
let his lips pout and pucker about them
reveling in their
fricatives and diphthongs
his tongue
would tease and tap out
codes from the sleek cavities
of their open vowels
until for lack of a better word
their meaning howled

and then stretching and intertwined
vowel harmony or not
they’d string each other out
in a long foreplay of whispering
a sotto voce
lilting and building
until it passed
that singular point. and emerged
full voice
at the beginning of a new sentence

some of them he found to be
much deeper than he had expected
others turned out to be
rather vapid and even
tepid, but in a lovely way
a denouement
of simplicity and overstatement
a giggled shiver of pretense
but no longer tense
just become
a plainspoken
“it is what it is”
straightforward declarative
as poetic as any

and so it went

not so much a verbal promiscuity
as a desire to use them all
in fevered raidings of the OED
and tricks he’d learned from how to manuals
he dabbled even in the dark arts
of neologisms and foreign loan words
of mantra and trance-dictated scat
oh how he moaned with
the heaved utterances
of heaven-sent glossolalia
a hundred and one peaceful and wrathful multilingual deities
no longer sure who was saying what to who or how
while all along
a million velvet ears convulsed

and maybe it was this
that lead him to a dawning angst:
he kept recognizing words
he’d used before
and the thrill was gone
he noticed that the more
he spoke clearly
the more he clearly spoke
what was now too
literally understandable
it was making too much sense
in a sense
and the mystery of the not quite said
the not quite inexpressible
was now gasping like a fish
on sand
so much for understanding

in his desperation
to reignite the flame
he began searching
in exotic corners
for languages not oft heard
he hired a Navaho
to translate his selected verse
into the language of The People
and would sit nodding sagely
as it was read back to him
restoring the harmony
of the Hrozo
of the veil of unknowing
his selected essays
he had rendered into an untranscribed
Bushman sub-dialect
to hear again in the pattern of the
clicking and the glottal stops
something of what he had meant to say

but even to these sublime obscurities
he eventually became habituated
and raging for his ineffable fix
he fixated on yet more radical plans
of translation:
he placed microphones in the woods
to pick up the sound of wandering winds
digitized the output and
randomly assigned them based on direction and decibel level
to trigger
famous passages of
Thai love poetry and Tibetan opera
but more and more
it was the sound of the winds themselves
which seemed to soothe him

he wanted desperately to be saying what he was saying
not alluding to it, not pointing to it
not describing it
he wanted the saying itself
to be the saying
or at least to be
an inextricable part of the saying
and it must be perfectly clear
all walls down
and yet and yet
perfectly indescribably
a whatness without a witness
a wildness imbued with suchness

so he collaborated with a
quantum physicist
and a hidden wizard
to scan each raindrop
into a database
cross-referenced with every baby name
in every known tongue and
every name of every god and goddess
and heck some really quite minor deities
thrown in to be sure
so that the sacred falling of each drop
would sing its uniqueness
to each of the other falling perfections
and it was a beautiful
music that spanned the electromagnetic
a lyricism that swelled and awed and yet was
wet and humble

and yet
it too at last
did not suffice

and so he wept
and laid his head down in the grass
and turned to face the downswelling sky
and opened his mouth
and swallowed it all
and so was born his peace
no telling of
no yelling out
the telling now was seamless with the told
and what was told of
was also what was telling
was the telling itself
was the loudest quiet never heard
was better than
a god in rut
was the magnificently
simple coitus
of the rain